Sunday, March 18, 2012

Greenservations 1

In addition to posting about my international adventures... I'm also going to be posting about observations I have about sustainability practices in Germany. I'm going to call these posts Green Observations or 'Greenservations'. I've already noticed a lot of subtle differences in my 24 hours here.

A couple of Greenservations from my travels so far:

1. On the plane (flight operated by a German airline)
  • Reusable metal silverware (not the typical throw away plastic kind)
  • Reusable food trays and containers
  • Recycling
2. Low flow toilets everywhere
3. Very organized and emphasized recycling in all public places - separated into paper, plastic, glass, and waste
4. Automatic lighting in the hostel - hallway lights come on when you walk out of your room

Future posts will probably (hopefully) include pictures!


  1. When I was in Germany we had compost, trash, and many different recycling bins for our apartment building (which was a converted 1300's small house - old I know!). It may help to look up recycling codes to know what goes in each bin! Hope that helps a little! I also hope you are having the best time ever!

    -Christy W

  2. That's so cool. I wish there was stuff like that in the states. And I hope that my apartment in Wuppertal (when I find one... heh) has stuff like that!
