Monday, April 16, 2012

Wuppertal: Meine eigenen Platz!

Two MIA updates in one day?! I bet you all feel precious. 

You are all being treated to another blog post because I’m just absolutely bursting to tell you all about my apartment!  Yes, it’s true, after many weeks of fruitless searching, I have finally found my own place!  I’m already all moved in, and I’m pleased to report that so far, it is perfect.  My apartment is in the Nordstadt of Wuppertal, which is filled with historic buildings and is only a short walk from the Hauptbahnhof, main shopping area, and many bars and restaurants.  My building itself is very old, but it has been newly renovated and has a brand spanking new kitchen and bathroom.  My room was unfurnished, but again, thanks to the kindness of others, I have procured enough to suit my needs.  Inka tracked down a bed, and Franzi (one of my new roomies) had a bedside table and Kleiderschrank (wardrobe) for me to use.  Again, I just want to take a moment to thank Inka for her hospitality for the past 2 weeks, and for helping me find everything I need to get settled in to Wuppertal.  I don’t know what I would have done without her!

Speaking of awesome people, my two new roomies are just that.  I have the pleasure of living with two lovely ladies; Franzi and Anna, both in their mid-twenties, and both studying… get this… ENGLISH!  Even though it is a relief to be able to easily communicate with people in English again, I am trying to stay adamant about speaking as much German as possible.  They both understand the process of living and learning a new language abroad because they have both spent time in the US.  They have already been so helpful and patient with my German.  It’s such an awesome situation because they both know all about grammar, gender, cases, and tenses, and they really know how to teach a language.  It’s better than I could have dreamed of!  And I didn’t even mention the best part about my new place yet… I live with a cat again!  For those of you that know me well, you know what a big deal this is.  Sookie (dangerously close to Snooki…) is Franzi’s little princess, and she is also fantastic.  She and I cuddled last night.  I’m already in love. 

I’m so happy with the way everything has worked out.  I already know that this apartment and these roomies are INFINATELY better than my first option.  Franzi, Anna, Sookie, and I are already getting along fabulously.  Last night we took a trip to Köln and had dinner at a super trendy Italian place Vapiano (it’s also in the States but hasn’t made its way to Ohio yet  We stuffed ourselves full of deliciousness and then retreated back to our apartment where we spent the rest of the evening watching trashy German reality TV.  Yes, I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship. 

Pics coming soon!

p.s. My address is Heinrichstraße 9, 42105 Wuppertal, Deutschland if you want to send me goodies or Google Earth stalk me.


  1. MORG omg this is all so exciting!! I love that you are living with a cat (and that you have a blog about this so I can live vicariously through you because I am insanely jealous). Dream = take German senior year. Reality = no time because school eats time. Wah.

  2. RACH! I am so happy that I have a blog reader! I would love it if you had time to take German cause then we could chat auf Deutsch ;)
